Pearisburg to Waynesboro: More Virginia!

“I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out till sundown, for going out, I found, was really going in.”

-John Muir

So, Virginia has offered a range of landscapes from its open pastures (with their charming residents) to its expansive highlands.  Back into elevation, there are some beautiful ridgeline walks.  Looking back, Mt. Rogers and Grayson were really beautiful sections.  I look forward to visiting again one day.

My second night out of Pearisburg, I hiked 22 miles to Wind Rock. A long day, but with a storm on its way, it offered some great views.  Watching a front roll in at sunset from a few thousand feet up was pretty cool.  I’ve titled this picture ‘An Evening View of Mordor’.

(As a side note: on this day, not only did I hike 20 miles, but I climbed 2 mountains, and ate 2 pop tarts. This will now be known as a Triple Double in the SFSSF stat line.)

The next day, the rain had rolled in.  Not enough weather to keep me in the tent, so I got going in a bit of a drizzle.  I stopped for lunch about noon, and while I was making myself a pb&j tortilla (a midday staple), this curious little gal strolled up!

Guys! I finally saw a bear!

The best shots I could get with the rain.  She walked up about 20 yards away, I’m sure to check out this hiker and his lunch.  It was kind of weird, at no point did I feel startled or threatened.  I didn’t get up, she didn’t get any closer.  And there was no doubt we each knew the other was so close.

After a few seconds, she went on her way and I finished my lunch and went on mine.  An amazing experience.

Another couple days and I’d get to climb what’s called the Dragon’s Tooth.  It’s a series of large rocks that pierce a steep ridge line, finishing with a huge monolith-like rock structure at the top of the ridge.  A tough climb, but well worth the effort.  Another on-top-of-the-world moment.

Right after that, a steep decent and another climb.  You’re rewarded with another amazing view at McAfee Knob.  A (somewhat famous…thanks Bill Bryson) spot that has become one of my best experiences on the trail.

I had been pushing more miles, and doing longer days at this point.  After a long day, it’s a great feeling to get to a stop where there’s something to see.  After this many days on trail, who wants to hike all day to see more trees?  No one does.

McAfee Knob offers a unique photo op, with a rock formation that juts out over the cliff side.  So cool to be able to get my picture there.  

After this long day (with just a bit of climbing), the reward was incredible.  I soaked up the view, and watched sunset.

I was into Daleville, VA the next two days for some much needed time off.  Lots of rest and recharging (thanks, Woops!), and I was back at it on my way to Waynesboro.

In a couple very wet days, the trail would bring me to the James River and the footbridge that spans it.  One of the longest footbridges we cross, it’s a hiker tradition to jump off the bridge into the river.  

You’ll have to forgive me here.  Given all the recent rains, and thus the very swollen state of the river, I didn’t jump.

Back up into mountains, and a great view of the James.

Two more big climbs before Waynesboro, and then I would be into Shenandoah National Park where elevation evens out for a pretty long stretch.  No climbing for a while…

One of these climbs is The Priest.  Great spot.  There is a shelter and campsite at the top where hikers are given the opportunity to write in the confessional and ‘confess’ their hiker sins.  Pretty hilarious stuff. Descriptions of hiker-misadventures that I’m in no way repeating here!

Into Waynesboro for resupply/getting the hiker-stink off me for a minute, and onward into Shenandoah.  

Really good section. Again, challenging and rewarding.  And I finally saw my bear!


Miles: 877.8

Mi/Day: 13.1

Highest Elevation: Apple Orchard Mountain (4222′)

Mountains: …I’ll count them next time

Pop Tarts: 40

Triple Doubles: 1

8 thoughts on “Pearisburg to Waynesboro: More Virginia!

  1. Awesome job Brandon! It looks like your doing it right! Keep it light and have a blast! I love reading your adventures. Positive vibes for the rest of your journey! (What’s your trail name?)


  2. Hello, so happy you finally got to encounter a bear, stand and then seat on the edge of a protruding bluff, and glad you did not jump into a swollen river, lol! Beatifull pictures and hike! Glad you are sharing your wonderful adventure with us! See you soon! 🙂 Dad

    Liked by 1 person

  3. How did the pictures get taken? Got company? or some techno/bluetooth clicker and tripod?
    Great update! Thanks for keeping us posted.


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