Whatcha Eatin’?

Quick order of business: you guys should be seeing your comments now.  They may take a bit to show up, but keep ’em coming, I definitely see all of them!

On to the post:

By far, the most asked question I get from people is “Have you been eaten by a bear yet?”  If the answer isn’t apparent, then yes. Yes, I have been eaten by a bear.

The second most asked question is “What do you eat on trail?”  So…I had the idea to share a recipe with everyone.

Food on trail is based on two things.  Weight and calories.  Hikers want something that has a high calorie count and doesn’t weigh us down.  Ratios of fats to proteins to carbs plays a part as well, but I won’t go into that here.

That being said, you can’t eat peanut butter everyday…

Tuna Wraps

Let’s get something out of the way first.  I hike with a bag full of seasonings.  Yes, it’s extra weight, and yes, I’m fine with it.  What can I say, I’m from the food capital of the world and my mama raised me right.

First, heat up some olive oil

Then saute a small onion and bell pepper.  Season with salt, pepper, and garlic.

Add a package of tuna and cook everything down.

Get a flour tortilla ready and add the veggies and tuna.  Top it off with some sriracha, roll it up, and enjoy!

Simple.  Versatile.  Don’t like tuna?  Sub in a package of salmon or chicken.  You can even rehydrade some beans if you want to go all veggie.

Definitely one of my favorites.  I can make 4-5 wraps, with this recipe, and it’s plenty food after a long day.  The onion and pepper will last at least two days in the pack, and it takes little time to make.  Also, I get some fresh ingredients away from town.  

The tradeoff is the ingredients are on the heavy side, but this is typically made on the first day out anyway.

A bit different from the usual update post, let me know what you guys think.  I have a few favorites, and can do another of these if you’d like!


15 thoughts on “Whatcha Eatin’?

  1. Dude, I just figured out how to post comments. Have you eaten any roadkill yet and/or dumpster dived? I.e. have you gone full eustis yet?

    Very much enjoying the updates… jw is impressed. Stay safe, change socks regularly, and who dat.



  2. Ok. So maybe I read it in one of those Krakauer books – but isn’t “rice” like a great thing to pack on the trail. Lite, just add h2o, heat and it multiplies! Add chicken, onions, BP’s and Garlic and Batta bing- Arroz con Pollo!!! Satisfy your other 50% that’s not Italian!!

    Safe Travels- So Proud- Make Memories!!


  3. Hi Brandon. I am so impressed with you hiking this amazing trail. Are you going all the way to New England? I love you, Kelley


  4. I enjoy all your posts. If you write it, I’ll read it. Can’t wait to see your face again. Miss you! Be safe!


  5. I looked on these to see where the Trail is in NY. You will pass very close to where I used to live near Bear Mountain. Beautiful country.


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