Erwin to Damascus: Hello Virginia!

Kinda random thought for today:  Is it possible to have an amazing adventure within an amazing adventure?  Thank you, Erwin Hiker Shuttles and Johnson City.  I got to see two of my favorite people say ‘I do’ to each other.  Congratulations, Matt and Brooke.

Out of Erwin, it’s only 30 miles or so into the Roan Highlands.  I didn’t know much about the area going in, but heard that it was a beautiful hike, especially on a clear day.  Over Roan Mountain and into Carvers Gap, a clear day is what I received.  I was about to be treated to a memorable day.  

Hands down…no contest…the most beautiful section of hiking I have ever experienced.  Ever.  10 miles of rolling hills, balds, and wide open ridgeline.  I’m just going to throw pictures at you here.

After the highlands, I was into Hampton, TN for a quick stay at the Black Bear Resort.  The hostel owner there said she would name one of the cabins after me (c’mon Steph, you know you want to!).
The trail from there passes Laurel Falls and Watauga Dam.  The falls are one of the largest east of the Mississippi.  Very pretty, and great for a swim on a hot day.

I kept hearing about high bear activity north of the dam.  One of the shelters was even closed because of it.  This was going to be my chance.  I just knew I’d see one.  After 40 miles of hiking…nothing.  I’ll have to keep looking.

A couple days of ridgeline walking and I hit another milestone.  Goodbye Tennessee and hello Virginia!  My 4th state, and it’s a long one.  Over 500 miles until I get into West Virginia.

It didn’t take long to hit the next big trail town, Damascus, VA.  Named ‘the best trail town on the AT’, Damascus is the second town where the trail passes directly through on main street.  It is home to numerous hostels, B&Bs, and outfitters, and caters very well to both hikers and bicyclists.  It is also home to the hiker-famous festival ‘Trail Days‘.

I stayed at the wonderful Dancing Bear B&B.  Melissa there was a fantastic host (hope the bike rack worked out!), and it’s worth mentioning she makes a killer cheesecake.

I’d reupply, get a good meal, and recharge in town.  After a great breakfast in the morning (and after waiting out some rain), I was back on trail.  Into the highlands of Virginia and…ponies?


Miles: 478.7

Mi/Day: 12.0

Highest Elevation: 6285′ (Roan Mountain)

Mountains: More than 58

Pop Tarts: 24

5 thoughts on “Erwin to Damascus: Hello Virginia!

  1. When do you want a care package? I am so proud of you and your once in a lifetime experience. Miss you and love you! xoxo YT


  2. Wonderful pictures !! I could spend a whole day at the waterfall !! You’re doing great, be careful. And I’m sure you told Melissa about your uncle’s descent cheesecake !!!


  3. Hi, well done! The pics speak volume. A beautiful hike you are undertaken and keep the pics coming! See you soon, Dad


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